
Archaeological Museum of Marathon

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February 7, 2020
The Museum Collections include: • Pottery of the Neolithic Period from the Cave of Pan, Early Cycladic pottery from the cemetery at Tsepi and Middle Helladic pottery from the cemetery at Vrana • Pottery from the area of Marathon datable from Geometric to Classical periods • The finds from the tumulus of Marathon. •Grave reliefs, statues, dedicatory inscriptions and boundary stones from the area of Marathon. • Statues and architectural parts from the Egyptian sanctuary at Brexila (2nd century A.D.). Among the most important exhibits of the Museum are: • The Ionic capital, part of the trophy that was erected after the battle of Marathon (490 B.C.) in memory of the deceased Plataieis. • Marble stele with inscriptions on both sides. On one side the text refers probably to the reforms of Kleisthenes, the father of the Athenian Democracy, and on the other the ordinance for the completing of the Herakleion of Marathon. • Funerary Panathenaic Amphora from the area of Vrana. Dated in the 4th century B.C. • Statue of of a lying deity from the Pytheion at Oinoe. Dated in the 2nd century A.C. • Egyptianising statue from the gate of the Egyptian sanctuary at Brexila. It is dated in the 2nd century A.C. • Head of Herodes Atticus from the Tumulus. Dated in the 2nd century B.C.
The Museum Collections include: • Pottery of the Neolithic Period from the Cave of Pan, Early Cycladic pottery from the cemetery at Tsepi and Middle Helladic pottery from the cemetery at Vrana • Pottery from the area of Marathon datable from Geometric to Classical periods • The finds from the tumul…
May 16, 2018
The permanent exhibition of the Archaeological Museum of Marathon presents the history of the area, from the prehistoric times to the Roman period through the findings of the excavations of the wider Marathon region, including findings originating from the Battle of Marathon and the Egyptian Temple built nearby.
June 22, 2022
The Archaeological Museum of Marathon was built in 1975 and is a small but rather interesting museum that completes the archaeological site of Marathon. It is located nearby the memorial tomb of the battle of Marathon and consists of five different halls, with each one having a different thematology, as well as a patio and a basement. Its resurgence was majorly funded by the renowned benefactor Eugene Panagopoulos. Renovated two times, in 1994 and 2004, the museum is house to exhibits that derive from the excavations that were conducted in the wider area of Marathon and cover an extended period of time, from the Neolithic period to the Roman era. The collections include mainly a. pottery exhibits from the early Cycladic, Geometric and Classical period b. findings from the tumulus of Marathon and well as nearby sanctuaries, such as reliefs and dedications and c. impressive artifacts such as statues and parts of the decoration from an Egyptian sanctuary that dates back to the 2nd century. The museum is open from 8:30 to 15:00 all around the week except for Mondays, and is ideally visited after an educational walk around the archaeological site of Marathon.
The Archaeological Museum of Marathon was built in 1975 and is a small but rather interesting museum that completes the archaeological site of Marathon. It is located nearby the memorial tomb of the battle of Marathon and consists of five different halls, with each one having a different thematology…
Jeff And Katerina
February 4, 2022
The Museum displays exhibits of pottery (mostly from the Cave of Pan), marble works such as inscriptions, busts of Herodes Atticus and his students, bas-relief statues and inscriptions of Roman times, as well as the statues of Brexiza – the only Egyptian Sanctuary in the Helladic territory.
December 21, 2016
Τhe history of the Marathon . 490 eg.


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