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ใช้ลูกศรขึ้นลง หรือใช้การสัมผัสหรือปัด เพื่อสำรวจผลการค้นหา


Home cooking & cookingclass a Genova
Benvenuto a casa mia! Dopo un breve scambio conoscitivo e un piccolo aperitivo di benvenuto, cucineremo insieme un menù tipico genovese (un antipasto, un primo piatto di pasta, un secondo e un dolce) e vi racconterò un po' di storia e di curiosità sulla cucina ligure e sulle sue tradizioni Mangeremo poi quanto cucinato con la mia famiglia (e' compresa acqua illimitata e una bottiglia di vino ogni due ospiti!) Condivido molto volentieri ciò che ho imparato da mia mamma, mia suocera e dai corsi di cucina che ho frequentato: non sono uno chef professionista!!!
Learn to cook authentic Italian food
Let's have fun cooking together! Come and learn how to prepare some typical dishes of the Genoese tradition. I will accompany you by telling you the story of the dishes we will cook. After immersing ourselves in the preparation of the dishes, we will have lunch on the terrace overlooking the sea, sipping Italian red wine. At the end of the experience, you will receive your recipe booklet and if you wish, some of the food we have prepared. During the class you will learn how to prepare authentic Ligurian food. We will prepare three different doughs, the filling and I’ll share some tips with you. At the end we will eat together what we prepared: Focaccia,, Torta Cappuccina (a vegetable pie), Pansoti (Ligurian ravioli filled with a cheese similar to ricotta and borage) and of course Salsa di Noci (walnut sauce). If you want we can even decide to prepare alternative dishes in advance (at least one week before the lesson). For intolerances and allergies, we inform you that the following products/ingredients will be used: Milk and milk-based products Nuts Egg Flour Garlic Sweet beets Borage Extra virgin olive oil Bread
Genoa' Hidden Streets & Tales
EMOTIONAL TOUR ! We'll walk through old downtown along small streets to find out charming squares, stately buildings, hidden churches and medieval towers which tell us anecdotes, recent stories and old tales; you'll discover this area as if you were a true well cultured Genoese ! Experience is for slow walkers travelers interested in Arts, History and Life Tales :)
Guided mtb tour to discover Monferrato
The tour takes place on the green hills of Monferrato and we will head towards pine forests, lakes and rivers where it will be possible to have a refreshing break during summertime. Depending on the level of skills of the participants I can tailor a tour in order to allow anyone to enjoy a nice day in the open air. No one will be disappointed: from the agonist to the family! And after the ride, we could go to one of the many typical restaurants to taste the delicacies and flavors of the products of the gastronomic tradition, but also and above all the wine that made this region well-known all over the world (i.e. Gavi and Dolcetto di Ovada). Furthermore, a guided tour means to get tips and suggestions to improve your riding technique! Other things to note If you can't find availability on the calendar, please send me a message : I will arrange for a tour just for you !
A touch of Italian Cuisine and culture
In Anna's kitchen you will be invited to cook Ligurian style the old way, using mortar and pestle to make pesto sauce and other traditional sauces. Even more you will be taught how to make fresh pasta like Lasagne or Pansotti and dress them with typical sauces. Vegetables pies, seafood and a colorful variety of focaccias Ligurian style will be the extra choices for making up your favourite workshop menus. Anna is fluent either in English and French and will lead you into the genuine Ligurian culture and traditions through her recipes. Local wine and a final meal will be offered in the cozy garden overlooking the gulf.

ทำอาหารสูตรต้นตำรับแท้ๆ กับเชฟท้องถิ่น

Lezione di cucina con pranzo in giardino
In questa lezione di cucina imparerai a cucinare uno dei piatti più tipici della tradizione ligure partendo da zero: naturalmente sto parlando della pasta al pesto! Impasteremo pasta fresca di diverso tipo: corzetti,trenette,gnocchi,testaroli o trofie, utilizzando utensili tradizionali ed impareremo le tecniche per modellarla. Dopodiché prepareremo il famoso pesto con gli ingredienti autentici, ovviamente con l'uso di mortaio e pestello! Ti accoglieremo con un aperitivo/spuntino di benvenuto nella nostra meravigliosa location, un giardino fiorito a due passi dalla stazione di Genova Piazza Principe e una volta preparato il nostro piatto pranzeremo insieme.
Pesto Sauce Class and dinner in Genoa
GUARANTEED SOCIAL DISTANCING OF 1 METER BETWEEN GUESTS, SANITIZED LABORATORY Meet your host, Cristina, a real Genoese, who has also lived abroad for a long time. She will be pleased to open her home to all curious travelers who want to experience a real Genoese dinner. You will start the lesson by preparing the most famous ligurian pasta sauce: pesto. It traditionally consists of crushed garlic, European pine nuts, coarse salt, basil leaves, hard cheese such as Parmigiano-Reggiano all blended with olive oil. Then, learn how to prepare home made Tagliatelle! Sit with your host and enjoy the fruit of your labour and taste the second course ( typically fried anchovies ). Once the work is completed, you will enjoy the meal and the dish tasting with your local host. You will also taste fine local Italian wine.. Finally enjoy the gelato or dessert with some coffee. After the lesson, ask us a copy of all the recipes prepared with the host. Get ready for an amazing experience in Genoa ! Other things to note You can park your car very close to the meeting point
Trekking among the olive trees and pesto class
We will meet at the Cavi di Lavagna station, a small and characteristic village away from the main tourist flows. Here we will walk up together, 15 minutes, one of the paths that in ancient times the women incharge of transporting the famous slate slabs from the extraction sites to the warehouses located near the sea. Once at our destination we will find ourselves immersed in an olive garden with a table ready with everything you need to get to work and learn how to make the famous pesto, a typically bright green sauce that originated in Genoa and is very popular in italian cuisine.
Pasta and Tiramisu class in Genoa with italian family
Learn to make the famous Pasta and Tiramisu in a Cesarina's home. Share your passion for the Italian cuisine as you make new friends in this hands-on cooking class. - NICE TO MEET YOU, FOLKS! Meet our Cesarine Luisa, Maria or Anna at home and share the warmth of Italian hospitality. - LET'S START... Enjoy an Italian Aperitivo to warm-up and then take part in the cooking class at a local home in the morning or in the afternoon. Learn how to roll 'sfoglia' (fresh pasta) by hand and how to prepare 2 simple different kinds of pasta (filled pasta + fresh pasta) from scratch with your Cesarina. As the icing on the cake, you will learn to prepare also the iconic Tiramisu. Share your passion for the Italian cuisine as you make new friends in this hands-on cooking class. It's a great way to truly experience Italian culture. - A TAVOLA! (Sit down at the table) Taste the labour of your work and vote the best cook of the day. - CIN CIN (cheers!) Toast to happiness with a glass of local wine from the territory cellars: our Cesarine offer only wines of the region. IMPORTANT NOTE - The full address of the host's home will be disclosed AFTER the reservation, please ignore the address on the airbnb map, it's only a placeholder.
Learn the secrets of Pizza
Experience an authentic family pizza night at Verdmont at our hillside home in the Unesco hills of Acqui Terme. Upon arrival, you'll receive a warm welcome and introduction to the family team. We'll share the secrets we've gathered over the years about crafting the perfect pizza. Our guests will master the art of setting up and loading the antique pizza oven at Verdmont. We'll skillfully warm it to the ideal temperature using wood sourced from our very land. Drawing from our years of experience, my family will be there to assist you every step of the way. You'll become proficient in using traditional tools like the peel and palette to stoke wood, turn pizzas, and manage the oven's heat. Roll out the dough (our specialty, allowed to rise for over 24 hours), expertly assemble and load it with your favorite toppings, and place it in the brick oven using special techniques we'll impart to you. As your pizza bakes on stone you will savor snd learn about some local wines crafted just 4 kilometers away. To conclude, we'll all gather around and indulge in local wine, beer, and, of course, the delicious pizzas you've created. The evening culminates with my homemade tiramisu dessert, and you'll depart with a handwritten recipe card for our special pizza dough.


พระราชวังโดจ์คนท้องถิ่น 255 คนแนะนำ
สวน Nerviคนท้องถิ่น 189 คนแนะนำ
โบสถ์มหาสมุทรแห่งซานลอเรนโซ - ดูโอโม ดี เจโนวาคนท้องถิ่น 153 คนแนะนำ
พิพิธภัณฑ์ทะเลกาลาตาคนท้องถิ่น 133 คนแนะนำ
พิซซ่าเดอฟีรารีคนท้องถิ่น 129 คนแนะนำ
บ้านคริสโตเฟอร์ โคลัมบัสคนท้องถิ่น 68 คนแนะนำ


Lezione di cucina con pranzo in giardino
In questa lezione di cucina imparerai a cucinare uno dei piatti più tipici della tradizione ligure partendo da zero: naturalmente sto parlando della pasta al pesto! Impasteremo pasta fresca di diverso tipo: corzetti,trenette,gnocchi,testaroli o trofie, utilizzando utensili tradizionali ed impareremo le tecniche per modellarla. Dopodiché prepareremo il famoso pesto con gli ingredienti autentici, ovviamente con l'uso di mortaio e pestello! Ti accoglieremo con un aperitivo/spuntino di benvenuto nella nostra meravigliosa location, un giardino fiorito a due passi dalla stazione di Genova Piazza Principe e una volta preparato il nostro piatto pranzeremo insieme.
Tour Privato nel Centro Storico di Genova con un Local
Ciao ! Sono Antonio, sono cresciuto a Genova e sono pronto a mostrarti la mia Città in un modo interessante e divertente ! Ho lavorato come Accompagnatore Turistico e adesso lo faccio per passione. Ti propongo un Tour privato attraverso uno dei Centri Storici più grandi d'Europa, dove vedremo sia le attrazioni principali sia le parti meno conosciute e particolari, difficili da trovare da soli ! Ti racconterò Storie e Curiosità sulla Città, e quello che ha significato per me. Potrai entrare nei Palazzi e Chiese se vorrai. Vuoi dei ricordi indimenticabili ? Sarò il tuo fotografo per un giorno e ti scatterò delle belle foto nei luoghi più iconici del Centro ! Vuoi provare Cibo e Bevande locali ? Te li consiglierò io e potrai assaggiarli se vorrai ! Vuoi conoscere Gente del luogo ? Te li presenterò se vorrai ! Il nostro Tour comincerà da Piazza De Ferrari, la piazza principale della Città. Disponibile anche in caso di pioggia. Parlo Italiano, Spagnolo, Inglese e un po' di Francese ! Max 7 persone per mantenere un'atmosfera Informale, Amichevole, Rilassata e di Qualità ! Siete in un gruppo di 3+ persone? Sconto per voi ! Sono a disposizione per QUALUNQUE Info o Consiglio. Avrai il mio Supporto fino al termine del tuo Soggiorno. Ricordati Sempre che la Vita è un'Avventura
Top Rated Genoa Food Tour- Five Stops
ALL FOOD IS INCLUDED! At least 4 food stops (food choice depending on season and availability): - Pasta with Pesto - Savoury pies - Focaccia with Cheese - Fried squids - Anchovies - Farinata - Classic Focaccia with Evo oil - Caffè and dessert/ice cream What this tour IS about: - Great Food - Great company with a local - Curiosities and anecdotes - Nice walk in the city centre - Fun and smiles - New friends from all around the world What this tour is NOT about: - An historical tour - Boring long speeches PLEASE NOTICE THAT THE TOUR WILL BE HELD IN ITALIAN/ENGLISH. CONTACT US FOR OTHER LANGUAGES CONTACT US FOR PRIVATE EXPERIENCE Do Eat Better Experience tours are a mix of high-quality gastronomy as a way for showing Italian culture and lifestyle and a walking experience together with a local friend. You'll be guided by a "Foodie", a local "buddy" able to explain every detail of the selected restaurants, their preparations, and the relevant curiosities. We accept only small groups because we want to focus on a genuine exchange and give each person the highest attention possible.
LUNEDÌ e SABATO al MONUMENTO di QUARTO - Genova GIOVEDÌ e altri giorni ai BAGNI SQUASH di Corso ITALIA - Genova ...Volete riattivare le energie e ricaricare le pile?? Vi guiderò nella yoga dinamico dove impareremo ad ascoltare il respiro, dare spazio e a rimanere nel qui e ora!! Inizieremo con respirazione, riscaldamento, saluti al sole e vediamo dove arriviamo..
Magic Ride Genoa & Riviera by Scooter
Feel the air, the freedom and the emotion to visit Genoa with a scooter. We can easily visit the main points of the city together with further areas not usually seen by tourist but just as beautiful. We'll have a complete experience with moments of liberty, entertain and personal grew. We'll start our tour visiting the very special & important square of Piazza de Ferrari, then we'll go up to the hills to enjoy different point of views, we'll stop in a hidden square which guard a real antique pharmacy, that produce infused since the Renaissance. Afterwards we'll go down to discover what we saw from the top: we'll see the yachts docked at the Old Port, the old doors of the city (1100 ac) and Via Aurea, the most elegant and majestic street Then we'll go to more distances places like Piazza della Vittoria and 1900 architecture, Corso Italia (sea promenade) Boccadasse (ex fishery village, today fascinating neighborhood of the city) Monument (from where Garibaldi sailed to unified Italy) Nervi (sea promenade with amazing views of Portofino cape) and Bogliasco (fishery town outside Genoa). We'll visit everything with calm and at low speed, in order to enjoy the panorama, talk about culture/history and feel secure/comfortable. You'll have a personalized tour, just you. In case you're with a friend Just relax and enjoy the ride. we'll learn many things together and create a friendship

กิจกรรมน่าทำใกล้San Fruttuoso

Pesto Sauce Class and dinner in Genoa
GUARANTEED SOCIAL DISTANCING OF 1 METER BETWEEN GUESTS, SANITIZED LABORATORY Meet your host, Cristina, a real Genoese, who has also lived abroad for a long time. She will be pleased to open her home to all curious travelers who want to experience a real Genoese dinner. You will start the lesson by preparing the most famous ligurian pasta sauce: pesto. It traditionally consists of crushed garlic, European pine nuts, coarse salt, basil leaves, hard cheese such as Parmigiano-Reggiano all blended with olive oil. Then, learn how to prepare home made Tagliatelle! Sit with your host and enjoy the fruit of your labour and taste the second course ( typically fried anchovies ). Once the work is completed, you will enjoy the meal and the dish tasting with your local host. You will also taste fine local Italian wine.. Finally enjoy the gelato or dessert with some coffee. After the lesson, ask us a copy of all the recipes prepared with the host. Get ready for an amazing experience in Genoa ! Other things to note You can park your car very close to the meeting point
Discover Genoa
We'll travel together through time & discover hidden angles of Genoa. We'll discover its beauty and its charm. Known as the Superb from the Middle Age to the Renaissance; important center of the Baroque. Famous during the Grand Tour, to the point of being chosen as a city where to spend a long period of time. Source of inspiration to writers, poets, singers and actors. Come with me to feel some of their emotions too!! We'll discover the origin of Genoa, its meaning and where was born; we’ll discover Embriaco, a hero of the city. We'll walk through particular squares with evocative names, precious churches and the Cathedral, see the tree that gives fortune to the city, see where Einstein lived. We'll discover San Matteo square with its legends and treasures. The will walk down Piazza de Ferrari and Doge’s Palace, where Paganini was in prison and where are sculptured the enemies of the Republic. You'll have opportunity to take pictures from particular angles Other things to note We will do the tour also in case of rain. Pls note that the experience can be taylor made and that the starting time can be changed. We can personalized our walk depending on your interests.
Trekking urbano a Genova tra creuze e funicolari
Trekking urbano a Genova! Da piazza Manin a via Garibaldi attraverso un percorso ad anello che vi farà scoprire angoli inediti tra creuze e funicolari! Non mancherà un assaggio di focaccia finale!!!!!
The Secrets of Genoa with Storyteller
We will take you to the oldest part of the historical center and walk through an off beaten itinerary: there's really a lot to see in Genoa, but you need to be willing to observe details cause the beauty of the old town is more likely to be revealed to those who are determined to discover it. We will take you to some charming spots of the city I'm sure you'd hardly find by yourself and make you travel through time by telling stories accompanied by the sound of a small guitar. Other things to note: we recommend to wear comfy shoes and the tour takes place with a minimum of 2 participants
Home cooking & cookingclass a Genova
Benvenuto a casa mia! Dopo un breve scambio conoscitivo e un piccolo aperitivo di benvenuto, cucineremo insieme un menù tipico genovese (un antipasto, un primo piatto di pasta, un secondo e un dolce) e vi racconterò un po' di storia e di curiosità sulla cucina ligure e sulle sue tradizioni Mangeremo poi quanto cucinato con la mia famiglia (e' compresa acqua illimitata e una bottiglia di vino ogni due ospiti!) Condivido molto volentieri ciò che ho imparato da mia mamma, mia suocera e dai corsi di cucina che ho frequentato: non sono uno chef professionista!!!

กิจกรรมน่าทำใกล้Sestri Ponente

Old town progressive dinner tour
You'll dive into local culture, discover history and traditions related to the typical dishes of the genoese cuisine. You'll walk in the historical center of Genoa, the biggest of Europe, and you will get to know the most charming spots and how they are connected to local food. We'll stop by different places and taste 1)the famous focaccia made in the best bakery shop in town 2) typical fresh pasta with pesto and walnuts sauce at a small handcraft pasta shop 3) a glass of local wine or another drink at the wine shop 4) farinata and some savoury cakes at an ancient "sciamadda" 5) ice cream This is not only street food, in at least two opportunities we will eat while comfortably seated Other things to note we recommend you to wear comfy shoes
Genoa' Hidden Streets & Tales
EMOTIONAL TOUR ! We'll walk through old downtown along small streets to find out charming squares, stately buildings, hidden churches and medieval towers which tell us anecdotes, recent stories and old tales; you'll discover this area as if you were a true well cultured Genoese ! Experience is for slow walkers travelers interested in Arts, History and Life Tales :)
Kayak&Snorkeling nella patria della focaccia
Ti immergerai nel mondo del kayak attraverso qualche consiglio tecnico prima di partire, pagaiando scoprirai un altro modo di vedere il mare e la sua costa. Un tuffo con maschera ti sveleranno tutti i segreti del nostro splendido mare! Non importa se non hai mai pagaiato, il kayak utilizzato sarà facile e direzionale. Altre cose da tenere a mente: Vi consigliamo di raggiungerci in autobus dal centro città con il numero 15 o 17 oppure in treno dalla Stazione di Genova Nervi. Deposito bagagli: E' possibile depositare nello spogliatoio borse e oggetti di valore durante l'esperienza .
Drawing and Sightseeing with Artist
We will draw together, starting from Piazza de Ferrari, walking through the city, getting to know Genoa’s most fascinating places, such as the historic centre and the old harbour, in a creative way. You will receive individual drawing lessons that are measured according to your abilities and desires. No matter if you’re just starting out or already an art professional: We will have fun together and you will take home new inspiring impressions. The relaxed “slowing down” and the joy of the creative process make this walk through Genoa a special experience that you will love to remember. Our tour ends at the picturesque Boccadasse, where we enjoy our works on the beach with an ice cream or aperitivo.
Photoshoot in Genova or Portofino by a Pro Photographer
Looking for a professional photographer to capture beautiful photos of your moments in Genova, Portofino, or Camogli? Book me, a professional lifestyle photographer with years of experience in the stunning locations of Liguria. Let's capture amazing photos that you'll cherish for a lifetime. ★ For this 1-hour photoshoot, you can choose from: - Genova City & Porto Antico - Boccadasse - Camogli - Portofino (additional +50€ ) - Other spots (can be discussed) ★ The photoshoot is exclusively private, meaning only you and your companion/family will be there. ★ Out of 200+ photos I click, you are free to choose 60 photos to get edited ★ If you need a different time, additional hours, or special locations, feel free to write me to curate a custom offer. Whether you're looking for romantic couple shots, proposals, honeymoons, family vacations, or solo portraits, I'll guide you to the best locations and poses to ensure you're delighted with the final photos. During the experience, I will guide you through charming streets and beautiful coastlines, capturing hundreds of photos of you enjoying the location. Within 3 days of the shoot, you'll receive 60 professionally edited photos and all photos in Google Drive. These will include a combination of candid moments and posed shots, showcasing you and the stunning scenery around you. ✪ If you have specific requirements, contact me


Tour Privato nel Centro Storico di Genova con un Local
Ciao ! Sono Antonio, sono cresciuto a Genova e sono pronto a mostrarti la mia Città in un modo interessante e divertente ! Ho lavorato come Accompagnatore Turistico e adesso lo faccio per passione. Ti propongo un Tour privato attraverso uno dei Centri Storici più grandi d'Europa, dove vedremo sia le attrazioni principali sia le parti meno conosciute e particolari, difficili da trovare da soli ! Ti racconterò Storie e Curiosità sulla Città, e quello che ha significato per me. Potrai entrare nei Palazzi e Chiese se vorrai. Vuoi dei ricordi indimenticabili ? Sarò il tuo fotografo per un giorno e ti scatterò delle belle foto nei luoghi più iconici del Centro ! Vuoi provare Cibo e Bevande locali ? Te li consiglierò io e potrai assaggiarli se vorrai ! Vuoi conoscere Gente del luogo ? Te li presenterò se vorrai ! Il nostro Tour comincerà da Piazza De Ferrari, la piazza principale della Città. Disponibile anche in caso di pioggia. Parlo Italiano, Spagnolo, Inglese e un po' di Francese ! Max 7 persone per mantenere un'atmosfera Informale, Amichevole, Rilassata e di Qualità ! Siete in un gruppo di 3+ persone? Sconto per voi ! Sono a disposizione per QUALUNQUE Info o Consiglio. Avrai il mio Supporto fino al termine del tuo Soggiorno. Ricordati Sempre che la Vita è un'Avventura
Lezione di cucina con pranzo in giardino
In questa lezione di cucina imparerai a cucinare uno dei piatti più tipici della tradizione ligure partendo da zero: naturalmente sto parlando della pasta al pesto! Impasteremo pasta fresca di diverso tipo: corzetti,trenette,gnocchi,testaroli o trofie, utilizzando utensili tradizionali ed impareremo le tecniche per modellarla. Dopodiché prepareremo il famoso pesto con gli ingredienti autentici, ovviamente con l'uso di mortaio e pestello! Ti accoglieremo con un aperitivo/spuntino di benvenuto nella nostra meravigliosa location, un giardino fiorito a due passi dalla stazione di Genova Piazza Principe e una volta preparato il nostro piatto pranzeremo insieme.
Top Rated Genoa Food Tour- Five Stops
ALL FOOD IS INCLUDED! At least 4 food stops (food choice depending on season and availability): - Pasta with Pesto - Savoury pies - Focaccia with Cheese - Fried squids - Anchovies - Farinata - Classic Focaccia with Evo oil - Caffè and dessert/ice cream What this tour IS about: - Great Food - Great company with a local - Curiosities and anecdotes - Nice walk in the city centre - Fun and smiles - New friends from all around the world What this tour is NOT about: - An historical tour - Boring long speeches PLEASE NOTICE THAT THE TOUR WILL BE HELD IN ITALIAN/ENGLISH. CONTACT US FOR OTHER LANGUAGES CONTACT US FOR PRIVATE EXPERIENCE Do Eat Better Experience tours are a mix of high-quality gastronomy as a way for showing Italian culture and lifestyle and a walking experience together with a local friend. You'll be guided by a "Foodie", a local "buddy" able to explain every detail of the selected restaurants, their preparations, and the relevant curiosities. We accept only small groups because we want to focus on a genuine exchange and give each person the highest attention possible.
Magic Ride Genoa & Riviera by Scooter
Feel the air, the freedom and the emotion to visit Genoa with a scooter. We can easily visit the main points of the city together with further areas not usually seen by tourist but just as beautiful. We'll have a complete experience with moments of liberty, entertain and personal grew. We'll start our tour visiting the very special & important square of Piazza de Ferrari, then we'll go up to the hills to enjoy different point of views, we'll stop in a hidden square which guard a real antique pharmacy, that produce infused since the Renaissance. Afterwards we'll go down to discover what we saw from the top: we'll see the yachts docked at the Old Port, the old doors of the city (1100 ac) and Via Aurea, the most elegant and majestic street Then we'll go to more distances places like Piazza della Vittoria and 1900 architecture, Corso Italia (sea promenade) Boccadasse (ex fishery village, today fascinating neighborhood of the city) Monument (from where Garibaldi sailed to unified Italy) Nervi (sea promenade with amazing views of Portofino cape) and Bogliasco (fishery town outside Genoa). We'll visit everything with calm and at low speed, in order to enjoy the panorama, talk about culture/history and feel secure/comfortable. You'll have a personalized tour, just you. In case you're with a friend Just relax and enjoy the ride. we'll learn many things together and create a friendship
Pesto Sauce Class and dinner in Genoa
GUARANTEED SOCIAL DISTANCING OF 1 METER BETWEEN GUESTS, SANITIZED LABORATORY Meet your host, Cristina, a real Genoese, who has also lived abroad for a long time. She will be pleased to open her home to all curious travelers who want to experience a real Genoese dinner. You will start the lesson by preparing the most famous ligurian pasta sauce: pesto. It traditionally consists of crushed garlic, European pine nuts, coarse salt, basil leaves, hard cheese such as Parmigiano-Reggiano all blended with olive oil. Then, learn how to prepare home made Tagliatelle! Sit with your host and enjoy the fruit of your labour and taste the second course ( typically fried anchovies ). Once the work is completed, you will enjoy the meal and the dish tasting with your local host. You will also taste fine local Italian wine.. Finally enjoy the gelato or dessert with some coffee. After the lesson, ask us a copy of all the recipes prepared with the host. Get ready for an amazing experience in Genoa ! Other things to note You can park your car very close to the meeting point